Denshi Otome ga Arawareta! Command!? – AKABEiSOFT2
A little bit further into the future than now, a little bit different Japan.
Keiji Futagawa, an active school student and professional gamer.
On that day, on the video distribution site Wetube, he was enjoying the distribution of a mysterious Etuber “Kanata Haruka,” whose reality was almost invisible.
He was enjoying the video distribution of the mysterious Etuber “Haruka Kanata” on the video distribution site Wetube.
After enjoying the video for a while, he was relieved to find that the next moment
the lights in Keiji’s room all go out, even though there is no power outage.
The monitor comes on by itself.
The well that emerges, and the long-haired woman in red.
Keiji thought, “Oh, this is a bad idea.
But before he can escape, the woman comes at him from inside the monitor.
Keiji screams in terror.
And the woman…
She hits the monitor.
A warm sensation was spreading between Keiji’s legs as he was terrified.
After ………….
Keiji came face to face with the mysterious woman who came out of the monitor.
The woman said something unexpected to Keiji.
I’ve come to see you, Keiji-san!
This is my true form!
The mysterious woman is enveloped in a shimmering mysterious effect.
When the light disappeared, there was Etuber “Kanata Haruka”.
Kanata emerges from the monitor and Keiji is stunned.
The two of them have a mysterious boy-meets-girl relationship.
This is a fun and cheerful love story of these two.
Aliases電子処女が現れた! コマンド!?
Play timeShort
Age rating18+
Japanese Version